Adding nanofillers in polymeric insulating materials: so far so good? The case of polypropylene for DC cables

Montanari, Gian Carlo ; Seri, Paolo ; Naderiallaf, Hadi ; Blume, Anke ; Mahtabani, Amirhossein ; He, Xiaozhen ; Perego, Gabriele ; Mazel, Christelle ; Paajanen, Mika ; Karttunen, Mikko (2019) Adding nanofillers in polymeric insulating materials: so far so good? The case of polypropylene for DC cables. [Preprint]
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This paper has the purpose to point at the weaknesses implicit in nanostructuration of insulating polymers for cable insulation, with reference to polypropylene and nanosilica. It also tries to single out which types of properties would be more or less affected by nanofiller introduction, and if in a positive or negative way, depending on nanofiller functionalization process. It is shown, for example, that nanofiller might increase, rather than decrease, space charge and conduction current, as an effect of functionalization, and that a decrease of space charge is not necessarily correlated to an increase of life.

Tipologia del documento
Montanari, Gian CarloUniversity of Bologna
Seri, PaoloUniversity of Bologna
Naderiallaf, HadiUniversity of Bologna
Blume, AnkeUniversity of Twente, The Netherlands
Mahtabani, AmirhosseinUniversity of Twente, The Netherlands
He, XiaozhenUniversity of Twente, The Netherlands
Perego, GabrieleNexans Research Center, Lyon, France
Mazel, ChristelleNexans Research Center, Lyon, France
Paajanen, MikaVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Tampere, Finland
Karttunen, MikkoVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Tampere, Finland
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
29 Gen 2020 14:54
Ultima modifica
29 Gen 2020 14:54
Nome del Progetto
GRIDABLE - Plastic nanocomposite insulation material enabling reliable integration of renewables and DC storage technologies in the AC energy grid
Programma di finanziamento
EC - H2020

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