README file Dataset Title: “TheGAME. Trieste endgame 2023-24” Dataset Author/s: Claudio Minca (University of Bologna), ORCID 0000-0001-6619-6614; Dragan Umek (University of Trieste), ORCID 0000-0001-5244-7136. Dataset Contributor/s: Shahid Aziz. Dataset Contact Person/s: Claudio Minca (University of Bologna), ORCID 0000-0001-6619-6614,; Access information: this dataset is under restricted access due to its sensitive content (see the "Notes" section for more information). Publication Year: 2024 Project Info: TheGAME - The Game: Counter-mapping informal refugee mobilities along the Balkan Route, funded by European Union, European Research Council, Horizon Europe ERC Advanced Grant 2021, project n. 101054428, DOI, +++ Dataset Contents +++ The dataset consists of: - 1 README file: “TheGAME_Trieste_endgame 2023-24_v1_README.txt” - 1 ZIP file: "TheGAME_Trieste_endgame" +++ Dataset Documentation +++ Abstract: This dataset contains interviews and field reports from Trieste collected within the Horizon Europe ERC project “TheGAME”. The ZIP file contains 4 folders: - "TheGame_2023-24_Minca_Fieldnotes" - "TheGame_Trieste_2023_Minca-Umek_Interviews" - "TheGame_Trieste_2024_Minca_InformalConversations" - "TheGame_Trieste_2024_Minca-Umek_Interviews". File specifics Each folder contains qualitative files saved both in .docx and .pdf formats. Transcriptions of the interviews are in Italian. Fieldnotes are both in Italian and English. Transcriptions of the informal conversations are in English. Notes Due to the sensitive and confidential contents, and in compliance with the ethics framework of the project approved by the Host Institution and the funding Agency, access to this dataset is restricted and shall be authorized by the authors. Please send an e-mail to for any further information.