The University of Bologna career guidance project: bridging secondary schools and university with the e-learning experience

Cenni, Sara ; Comba, Valentina ; Luppi, Vera ; Quatrosi, Francesca ; Reggiani, Andrea (2008) The University of Bologna career guidance project: bridging secondary schools and university with the e-learning experience. In: INTED 2008, 3-4 March 2008, Valencia, Spain.
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The University of Bologna has started the Career Guidance Project developing several initiatives: self evaluation questionnaires for Secondary Schools students, training courses for admission tests, and an e-learning platform with online modules in order to explain and show the cultural and professional environment of the University. It will be explained the genesis of the Project, the choice of the Learning Management System, the authoring tool advantages and the practical modules implementation. Special attention will be devoted to the analysis of the relationship with Professors and Authors during the modules preparation: the course deployment has been an opportunity not only to explain which are the basic aspects of e-learning effectiveness, but also to stress the importance of pedagogical aspects of a well structured course. The modules have been offered to several Secondary Schools in a pilot edition in Spring 2007. Now there are ten modules available: Industrial Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, Medicine and Nursing, Foreign Languages, Arts and Humanities, Psychology, Statistics, Law, Sciences. A new development of the Project will offer to the Erasmus students the possibility to use the e-learning modules to approach the University of Bologna and the preferred Faculty.

Tipologia del documento
Documento relativo ad un convegno o altro evento (Presentazione)
Cenni, Sara
Comba, Valentina
Luppi, Vera
Quatrosi, Francesca
Reggiani, Andrea
Parole chiave
University career guidance, higher education, e-learning, SCORM modules production
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
04 Feb 2008
Ultima modifica
16 Mag 2011 12:07

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