Organizational analysis, occupational medicine and union action: a possible encounter / Analisi organizzativa, medicina del lavoro e azione sindacale: un incontro possibile

Maggi, Bruno (2010) Organizational analysis, occupational medicine and union action: a possible encounter / Analisi organizzativa, medicina del lavoro e azione sindacale: un incontro possibile. Bologna: TAO Digital Library, ISBN 978-88-904979-2-6. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2776. In: TAO Digital Library ISSN 2282-1023.
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Italian union’s and occupational medicine’s traditions about safety and health in work situations are compared with the study programs upon which a joint research by Franco Mosca, unionist, and Maria Angela Breveglieri, occupational physician, is based. This research, which concerns the intermediate organizational processes between production and distribution of agricultural products, stimulates reflections and interventions about both the logic of production and the workers’ needs for prevention and well-being. The introduction to the book that illustrates the research (Lavoro organizzato, salute e azione sindacale in un comparto agricolo - Organized Labour, Health and Union Action in an Agricultural Sector, Torino, 1994) discusses the possible encounter between organizational analysis, biomedical action and union action.

Document type
Monograph (Essay)
Maggi, Bruno
Workers’ health, Organizational action, Union action, Occupational medicine.
Deposit date
21 May 2010 09:42
Last modified
28 Feb 2013 10:54

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