Rossini, Gianpaolo ;
Zanghieri, Paolo
Current account composition and sustainability of external debt (I).
Dipartimento di Scienze economiche DSE,
p. 22.
In: Quaderni - Working Paper DSE
ISSN 2282-6483.
Full text available as:
If an economy runs a current account (CA) deficit and finances it
via a corresponding net inflow of equity capital (belonging to foreign
direct investment (FDI) or to portfolio investment) the external debt
(ED) of the country does not change, i.e.: the CA deficit does not add
to ED. This is no paradox and simply comes from the definition of CA
deficit and external debt. Nonetheless, the implication of this is rather
relevant since it points to different degrees of sustainability of CA
deficits according to the way they are financed and to the composition
of the CA itself.
By the evaluation of the determinants of interest rates spreads of
a country vis à vis US lending rates we assess the sustainability of
CA deficits and we find that the extent of FDI net inflows (proxy of
equity capital) allow emerging economies to sustain imbalances which
are larger with respect to the case in which the CA deficit is financed
by inflows of other more liquid assets. In other words the differential
treatment of equity capital as a way of financing the CA, but not
contributing to to the ED of a country, is no fiction and affects the
solvency assessment of a country. This is a first result of a larger
research on the effects of the composition of the CA on the solvency
of an economy.
If an economy runs a current account (CA) deficit and finances it
via a corresponding net inflow of equity capital (belonging to foreign
direct investment (FDI) or to portfolio investment) the external debt
(ED) of the country does not change, i.e.: the CA deficit does not add
to ED. This is no paradox and simply comes from the definition of CA
deficit and external debt. Nonetheless, the implication of this is rather
relevant since it points to different degrees of sustainability of CA
deficits according to the way they are financed and to the composition
of the CA itself.
By the evaluation of the determinants of interest rates spreads of
a country vis à vis US lending rates we assess the sustainability of
CA deficits and we find that the extent of FDI net inflows (proxy of
equity capital) allow emerging economies to sustain imbalances which
are larger with respect to the case in which the CA deficit is financed
by inflows of other more liquid assets. In other words the differential
treatment of equity capital as a way of financing the CA, but not
contributing to to the ED of a country, is no fiction and affects the
solvency assessment of a country. This is a first result of a larger
research on the effects of the composition of the CA on the solvency
of an economy.
Document type
(Working Paper)
Equity capital, FDI, CA deficit, external debt.
Deposit date
29 Feb 2016 11:38
Last modified
29 Feb 2016 11:38
Other metadata
Document type
(Working Paper)
Equity capital, FDI, CA deficit, external debt.
Deposit date
29 Feb 2016 11:38
Last modified
29 Feb 2016 11:38
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