Denis, David ; Hunter, Ian ; Snowden, Christopher M.
Comprehensive Characterization and Modelling of
Micro-wave Power HEMTs for Large-Signal Power
Amplifier Design.
In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. GAAS 2004, 11—12 Ottobre, Amsterdam.
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A comprehensive modelling approach is applied to the study of power pHEMT devices for high efficiency microwave and millimetre-wave power amplifier applications. The association of electromagnetic, physical and non-linear simulations has been applied for the first time to the design of high power microwave amplifiers. This research has provided insight into the operation of large transistors, allowing the contribution of individual FET fingers and cells to be investigated. This work has already demonstrated how the transistor structure contributes to the RF performance and enables the design of the transistor and embedding circuit to be optimised.