Millet, O. ; Bertrand, P. ; Legrand, B. ; Collard, D. ; Buchaillot, L.
An Original Methodology to Assess
Fatigue Behavior in RF MEMS Devices.
In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. GAAS 2004, 11—12 Ottobre, Amsterdam.
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The analysis of fatigue behavior for polycrystalline gold microbridges is the aim of this paper. A description of the fatigue phenomenon for these elementary structures is presented. It is obtained by combining elementary in situ test benches of varying dimensions and cyclic actuation; in the same way, the debugging-time is determined according to the design. Test benches have been developed allowing performing bending fatigue tests of polycrystalline gold structural layers, describing the fatigue phenomenon and obtaining a constant debugging-time, whatever the excitation frequency and the beams length.