van Raay, F. ; Quay, R. ; Kiefer, R. ; Fehrenbach, W. ; Bronner, W. ; Kuri, M. ; Benkhelifa, F. ; Massler, H. ; Müller, S. ; Mikulla, M. ; Schlechtweg, M. ; Weimann, G.
A microstrip X-band AlGaN/GaN power amplifier MMIC on s.i. SiC substrate.
In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. GAAS 2005, 3-7 ottobre 2005, Parigi.
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A two-stage high-power amplifier MMIC was realized with a chip size of 4.5 mm x3 mm operating between 8GHz and 10 GHz based on a fully integrated microstrip AlGaN/GaN HEMTtechnology on s.i. SiCsubstrate.TheMMIC device delivers a maximum pulsed out put power of 8.9 W (39.5 dBm) at 8.5 GHz at VDS = 31 V,10%dutycycle,and more than 6 dB gain compression level, and features a linear gain in excess of 20 dB.