Ivaschuk, A. ; Koval´chuk, V. ; Bosyi, V. ; Seidel, P. ; Scherbel, J. ; Poplavko, Y.
Low temperature properties of GaAs MESFET.
In: Gallium Arsenide Applications Symposium. GAAS 1999, 4-5 October 1999, Bologna, Italy.
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The industrially manufactured low-noise GaAs FET noise and gain parameters were experimentally investigated in the temperature range of 80-300 K at frequency 12 GHz. The process of cooling down to the 80 K permits to reduce the minimum noise figure of the studied samples to - 1 dB; simultaneously the associated gain increases up to ~ 2 -2.5 dB. The comparative analysis of minimum noise figure changing in temperature range in accordance to the semiconductor physical parameters was carried out. It was established that the noise figure minimum under the cooling depends essentially on the carrier concentration of epitaxial structure.