Comparini, M.C. ; Feudale, M. ; Suriani, A.
MMICs for commercial satellite applications: from C and Ku to Ka band and millimeterwave.
In: Gallium Arsenide Applications Symposium. GAAS 1998, 5-6 October 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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The application of MMIC technology to space hardware have seen a strong increase in the last years mainly to support the market demand for commercial satellite applications. Radiofrequency and microwave unit integrated in communication payloads for fixed (FSS), broadcasting (BSS) as well as mobile (MSS) services made extensively use of gallium arsenide MMIC designed and realised with european and american foundries. A new boundary will be the design and development of low cost, high production rate space hardware for satellite constellations like Celestri, Cyberstar, EuroSkyWay. SkyBridge, Spaceway, Teledesic. The paper will focus the application of MMIC technology in the Alenia Aerospazio on-board equipment engineering and production and will give a map of the present developments in conjunction with future trends.
The application of MMIC technology to space hardware have seen a strong increase in the last years mainly to support the market demand for commercial satellite applications. Radiofrequency and microwave unit integrated in communication payloads for fixed (FSS), broadcasting (BSS) as well as mobile (MSS) services made extensively use of gallium arsenide MMIC designed and realised with european and american foundries. A new boundary will be the design and development of low cost, high production rate space hardware for satellite constellations like Celestri, Cyberstar, EuroSkyWay. SkyBridge, Spaceway, Teledesic. The paper will focus the application of MMIC technology in the Alenia Aerospazio on-board equipment engineering and production and will give a map of the present developments in conjunction with future trends.
Document type
Conference or Workshop Item
Deposit date
16 Feb 2006
Last modified
17 Feb 2016 14:35
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Document type
Conference or Workshop Item
Deposit date
16 Feb 2006
Last modified
17 Feb 2016 14:35
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