Rasa, F. ; Pagani, M. ; Gabbrielli, B.
A new highly linear MMIC single side-band converter for digital radio links.
In: Gallium Arsenide Applications Symposium. GAAS 1998, 5-6 October 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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This paper describes the design of a very compact Monolithic Single Side-band (SSB) Mixer for Digital Radio Links. The mixer can be used in transmitters as an SSB up-converter over the 5.6-8.5 GHz range, but also in receivers as down-converter combined with Low Noise Preamplifier. All the sub-circuits except only the IF hybrids, are included in a unique small chip whose total size is 3.556 x 3.556 mm2. Very high Linear operation with more than 29dB of Image Rejection and 27dB of Carrier suppression, is achieved over the whole operating band.