Serial entrepreneurship and born-global new ventures. A case study.

Presutti, Manuela ; Onetti, Alberto ; Odorici, Vincenza (2008) Serial entrepreneurship and born-global new ventures. A case study. [Preprint]
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Based on a longitudinal case study, we aim to understand how serial entrepreneurs can foster the development of born-global ventures. We consider a born-global start-up as the final stage of the learning process for a serial entrepreneur, advancing propositions regarding the importance of prior entrepreneurial experience for born-global venture creation and growth. We suggest that the serial entrepreneur’s previous entrepreneurial experiences could substitute for the lack of knowledge, opportunity recognition and social networks of a born-global start-up. Thus, we recognize the necessity of a shift in the unit of analysis, from born-global start-up to a global serial entrepreneur, suggesting to follow a dynamic approach when the born-global start-up issue is discussed.

Document type
Presutti, Manuela
Onetti, Alberto
Odorici, Vincenza
born-global, international new ventures, entrepreneurship, serial entrepreneur, internationalization, social network, entrepreneurial experience, opportunity identification, opportunity exploration, longitudinal case study
Deposit date
06 Jun 2008
Last modified
16 May 2011 12:08

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