A cura di:
Nanni Costa, Leonardo ;
Zambonelli, Paolo ;
Russo, Vincenzo
Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Mediterranean Pig. October 11 – 13, 2007. Messina - Capo d’Orlando (ME), Italy.
Bologna, Italy:
p. 448.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Mediterranean Pig
ISSN 2035-4088.
Full text available as:
These proceedings publish 79 communications that were distributed in six sessions and in one conference at the 6th Symposium on the Mediterranean Pig, both as main lectures, oral and poster presentation. The major arguments treated are the improvement and the management of the genetic resources, the sanitary approaches in the outdoor systems, the feeding and the rearing techniques, the quality of meat and meat products, the traceability for typical products and their socio-economical dynamics. Particular attention is given to the pig's local breeds and to their meat products, highlighting the importance to preserve the biodiversity as well as the typicality of some unique pork products. The monitoring of pig parasitic diseases is examined as well as the non conventional rearing systems used for typical pig breeds and their effects on the pork quality. It is highlighted also the importance of the products traceability and the need to better understand the purchasing dynamics of typical pork products.
These proceedings publish 79 communications that were distributed in six sessions and in one conference at the 6th Symposium on the Mediterranean Pig, both as main lectures, oral and poster presentation. The major arguments treated are the improvement and the management of the genetic resources, the sanitary approaches in the outdoor systems, the feeding and the rearing techniques, the quality of meat and meat products, the traceability for typical products and their socio-economical dynamics. Particular attention is given to the pig's local breeds and to their meat products, highlighting the importance to preserve the biodiversity as well as the typicality of some unique pork products. The monitoring of pig parasitic diseases is examined as well as the non conventional rearing systems used for typical pig breeds and their effects on the pork quality. It is highlighted also the importance of the products traceability and the need to better understand the purchasing dynamics of typical pork products.
Document type
Pig, Mediterranean area, management of the genetic resources, sanitary approaches, feeding and rearing techniques, quality of meat and meat products, traceability and socio-economical dynamics for typical products
Deposit date
28 Aug 2008
Last modified
16 May 2011 12:09
Other metadata
Document type
Pig, Mediterranean area, management of the genetic resources, sanitary approaches, feeding and rearing techniques, quality of meat and meat products, traceability and socio-economical dynamics for typical products
Deposit date
28 Aug 2008
Last modified
16 May 2011 12:09
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