Angeli, Federica ; Bolognesei , Enrica ; Toschi, Laura
A Meta-Analytic answer to an old dilemma: Do M&AS create value? Evidence from European Banks.
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This paper aims at shedding further light on the controversial impact of M&As on the value creation perceived by investors, as the short-term market performance of the firms involved. 17 event studies are examined by following a meta-analytical procedure. The unit of analysis is originally assumed as the event window within each study, yielding a total sample of 191 observations and 17,007 deals. Separate analyses are run for bidders, targets and combined entities. Our findings highlight the insensitiveness of bidders to M&As’ announcement, in line with existing theory. Interestingly, the choice of the benchmark in the market model, the geographical scope and the event window position prove to be significant moderators: Italian M&As are less profitable than European ones, and pre-announcement rumours significantly alter the overall performance.
This paper aims at shedding further light on the controversial impact of M&As on the value creation perceived by investors, as the short-term market performance of the firms involved. 17 event studies are examined by following a meta-analytical procedure. The unit of analysis is originally assumed as the event window within each study, yielding a total sample of 191 observations and 17,007 deals. Separate analyses are run for bidders, targets and combined entities. Our findings highlight the insensitiveness of bidders to M&As’ announcement, in line with existing theory. Interestingly, the choice of the benchmark in the market model, the geographical scope and the event window position prove to be significant moderators: Italian M&As are less profitable than European ones, and pre-announcement rumours significantly alter the overall performance.
Document type
M&A, European banks, Meta-analysis, Event studies
Deposit date
19 Jan 2010 10:54
Last modified
16 May 2011 12:12
Other metadata
Document type
M&A, European banks, Meta-analysis, Event studies
Deposit date
19 Jan 2010 10:54
Last modified
16 May 2011 12:12
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