Comba, Valentina
Quid agendum ? "Net generation" e competenze digitali.
In: Progettare nuovi ambienti di apprendimento: competenze, servizi, innovazione., 20-22 ottobre 2010, Milano.
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It is a long time that a large discussion is open about the net generation and the need to update teaching methods. A large number of papers are published about this topic; the most relevant reviews point out that, in general, the use of social networks by the net generation does not mean that young people has natural digital skills/competencies they apply in the learning activities.
The present short review discusses the literature about this subject; different definitions of “digital literacies are considered”. In particular a JISC study “Thriving in the 21st century. Learning Literacies for the Digital Age” (LLiDA Project) is cited, because its approach to a very detailed definition of learning literacies.
Moreover, recent papers show that the search and reading approach of the net generation – though making use of the most recently available sources like Wikipedia – is lacking of selection criteria and quality evaluation skills.
In the conclusions the Author asks some questions about the best e-learning methods to teach digital literacies, in a context where the change is so fast, and the traditional LMS approach may be a waste of time and money (and, very difficult to put in practice in a time of retrenchment for Italian Universities).
It is a long time that a large discussion is open about the net generation and the need to update teaching methods. A large number of papers are published about this topic; the most relevant reviews point out that, in general, the use of social networks by the net generation does not mean that young people has natural digital skills/competencies they apply in the learning activities.
The present short review discusses the literature about this subject; different definitions of “digital literacies are considered”. In particular a JISC study “Thriving in the 21st century. Learning Literacies for the Digital Age” (LLiDA Project) is cited, because its approach to a very detailed definition of learning literacies.
Moreover, recent papers show that the search and reading approach of the net generation – though making use of the most recently available sources like Wikipedia – is lacking of selection criteria and quality evaluation skills.
In the conclusions the Author asks some questions about the best e-learning methods to teach digital literacies, in a context where the change is so fast, and the traditional LMS approach may be a waste of time and money (and, very difficult to put in practice in a time of retrenchment for Italian Universities).
Document type
Conference or Workshop Item
competenze digitali, generazione digitale, information literacy,pensiero critico, formazione a distanza
Deposit date
27 Oct 2010 08:51
Last modified
16 May 2011 12:14
Other metadata
Document type
Conference or Workshop Item
competenze digitali, generazione digitale, information literacy,pensiero critico, formazione a distanza
Deposit date
27 Oct 2010 08:51
Last modified
16 May 2011 12:14
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