Dispute sur les conceptions du processus de décision / A dispute about the conceptions of the decision process / Disputa sulle concezioni del processo decisionale

Maggi, Bruno ; Solé, Andreu (2010) Dispute sur les conceptions du processus de décision / A dispute about the conceptions of the decision process / Disputa sulle concezioni del processo decisionale. Bologna: TAO Digital Library, ISBN 978-88-904979-3-3. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2911. In: TAO Digital Library ISSN 2282-1023.
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[thumbnail of A dispute about the conceptions of the decision process]
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[thumbnail of Disputa sulle concezioni del processo decisionale]
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What does it mean to make a decision? Does a decision theory exist? How can we understand decision making? By using the traditional literary form of the “dispute”, the authors explore the various approaches to the theoretical and empirical issue of decision making. Each of the three fictional characters represent a different way to approach the problem, each one showing, through a lively debate and dialogue, a specific point of view on what decisions are and how they can be understood. But this dispute is not just about decision making in itself. The characters also represent very different views about what an enterprise is, what rationality is, what are freedom and reality.

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