Prevention at work and stress evaluation in France and in Italy / La prévention sur les lieux de travail et l’évaluation du stress en France et en Italie / Prevenzione nei luoghi di lavoro e valutazione dello stress in Francia e in Italia

Maggi, Bruno ; Marchiori, Michela ; Rulli, Giovanni ; Etienne, Pascal ; Salento, Angelo ; Clot, Yves ; Costa, Giovanni (2011) Prevention at work and stress evaluation in France and in Italy / La prévention sur les lieux de travail et l’évaluation du stress en France et en Italie / Prevenzione nei luoghi di lavoro e valutazione dello stress in Francia e in Italia. A cura di: Maggi, Bruno ; Rulli, Giovanni. Bologna: TAO Digital Library, ISBN 978-88-904979-5-7. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/3061. In: TAO Digital Library ISSN 2282-1023.
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A European directive, transposed into the legal systems of the member States, steers towards an idea of prevention that is primary, general, programmed and integrated in work design. The interpretation of norms and the guidelines of institutions devoted to health and safety in the workplace direct, however, towards the management of existing risks. This is particularly evident as far as stress and the so called psycho-social risks are concerned. Even the approaches of disciplines regarding work follow the same trend. A real and effective protection of well-being appears to be neglected, and this is confirmed by statistics about physical and psychological damages to workers. The contributions in this collection concern France and Italy, where, however, internationally recognized approaches, allowing primary prevention interventions on work, have been developed.

Document type
Monograph (Essay)
Maggi, Bruno
Marchiori, Michela
Rulli, Giovanni
Etienne, Pascal
Salento, Angelo
Clot, Yves
Costa, Giovanni
Prevention, Stress, Risks at work, Workers’ health, Organizational action
Deposit date
14 Jul 2011 14:56
Last modified
28 Feb 2013 10:50

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