Decreto Legislativo 81/2008. Quale prevenzione nei luoghi di lavoro?

Maggi, Bruno ; Rulli, Giovanni ; Del Punta, Riccardo ; Pascucci, Paolo ; Salento, Angelo ; Fabbri, Tommaso Maria (2011) Decreto Legislativo 81/2008. Quale prevenzione nei luoghi di lavoro? A cura di: Maggi, Bruno ; Rulli, Giovanni. Bologna: TAO Digital Library, ISBN 978-88-904979-7-1. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/3093. In: TAO Digital Library ISSN 2282-1023.
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A contribution in the medical field illustrates the historical evolution of the concepts of prevention and health to which it is necessary to refer for a discussion about health and safety in the workplace. Some contributions in the fields of labor law and organizational theory interpret the norms currently effective in Italy and the guidelines for the assessment of risks in work situations. What conception of prevention is implicitly assumed by the norms, and by the guidelines that the norms indicate? Are the current norms adequate to stimulate organizational choices aimed at preventing risks and discouraging harmful choices? Limits and contradictions hindering a real, effective, primary prevention are emphasized.

Document type
Monograph (Essay)
Maggi, Bruno
Rulli, Giovanni
Del Punta, Riccardo
Pascucci, Paolo
Salento, Angelo
Fabbri, Tommaso Maria
Prevention, Risks at work, Workers’ health, Work analysis, Organizational action
Deposit date
19 Aug 2011 06:37
Last modified
28 Feb 2013 10:50

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