Temps, autonomie et discrétion : analyse d’activités dans la maintenance ferroviaire / Time, autonomy and discretion: activity analysis in railway maintenance / Tempo, autonomia e discrezionalità: analisi di attività nella manutenzione ferroviaria

De la Garza, Cecilia ; Maggi, Bruno ; Weill-Fassina, Annie (2011) Temps, autonomie et discrétion : analyse d’activités dans la maintenance ferroviaire / Time, autonomy and discretion: activity analysis in railway maintenance / Tempo, autonomia e discrezionalità: analisi di attività nella manutenzione ferroviaria. Bologna: TAO Digital Library, ISBN 978-88-904979-9-5. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/3194. In: TAO Digital Library ISSN 2282-1023.
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This paper shows a collaboration between the study of organizational action and ergonomic analysis. The regulation of the processes of work action and the cognitive regulation of operators are jointly studied in the comparison of two real-world case studies focused on the maintenance of railway infrastructure: the maintenance of the line and the repair of electrical signaling installations. The interactions between the affirmation of autonomy or the exercise of discretion and different approaches to the time management of working activities affect in various ways the reliability of the system. In urgent cases, the affirmation of autonomy may promote reliability, while in case of time pressure the exercise of discretion may increase the risk of unreliability.

Document type
Monograph (Essay)
De la Garza, Cecilia
Maggi, Bruno
Weill-Fassina, Annie
Regulation of social action, Ergonomic analysis, Autonomy, Discretion, Time management
Deposit date
23 Dec 2011 09:32
Last modified
28 Feb 2013 10:48

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