The organization of a unique event: the case of the Olympic Games of Torino 2006 / L’organizzazione di un evento unico: il caso dei Giochi Olimpici di Torino 2006

Barbini, Francesco Maria (2011) The organization of a unique event: the case of the Olympic Games of Torino 2006 / L’organizzazione di un evento unico: il caso dei Giochi Olimpici di Torino 2006. Bologna: TAO Digital Library, ISBN 978-88-906740-5-1. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/3195. In: TAO Digital Library ISSN 2282-1023.
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This contribution describes the decisions and actions taken by the Torino Organizing Committee for the XX Olympic Winter Games. The events presented in the case are analyzed in the light of different theoretical perspectives in order to reflect on the planning process of a unique event, one that could not be postponed or delayed, such as the Olympic Games. This work is aimed neither at identifying best practices leading to successful events, nor at implementing a checklist for future operators involved in the organization of next Olympic Games; instead, through developing different theoretical interpretations, this paper proposes an organizational discussion about relevant phenomena and fosters a reflection on wider issues related to organizational design and people management in unique events.

Document type
Monograph (Essay)
Barbini, Francesco Maria
Mega-event organization, Regulation process, Organizational action, Organizational design, Unique events
Deposit date
23 Dec 2011 09:33
Last modified
04 Mar 2013 08:56

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