Finanziarizzazione e regolazione del lavoro: un’alternativa analitica alle vulgate del postfordismo

Salento, Angelo (2012) Finanziarizzazione e regolazione del lavoro: un’alternativa analitica alle vulgate del postfordismo. Bologna: TAO Digital Library, p. 103. ISBN 978-88-906740-2-0. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/3236. In: TAO Digital Library ISSN 2282-1023.
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The goal of this paper is to provide a contribution to the debate concerning the relationship between the financialization process of the economy and the organizational changes implemented by enterprises, as well as the transformation of labour regulation. The hypothesis here proposed is that there is a tight connection between these elements, and that the analysis of such connection provides key insights about how to critically interpret the development, in the last few decades, of organizational and managerial practices and of a profoundly renewed labour law. In this perspective, the paper offers an alternative reconstruction of the so-called “post-fordist” transformations.

Document type
Monograph (Essay)
Salento, Angelo
Financialization, Regulation, Organizational action, Labour law, Firm
Deposit date
08 Mar 2012 11:35
Last modified
28 Feb 2013 10:47

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