PROSO data model - a solution for modelling historical academic prosopographical records as linked data through an event based ontological approach.

Zingoni, Jacopo (2014) PROSO data model - a solution for modelling historical academic prosopographical records as linked data through an event based ontological approach. In: Atelier Heloïse 2014, 13-14 March, 2014, Lyon.
Full text available as:
[thumbnail of ASFE and PROSO - conditions and models for interoperability]
PDF (ASFE and PROSO - conditions and models for interoperability)
License: Creative Commons: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)

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[thumbnail of ASFE and PROSO - Modeling Entities through Events]
PDF (ASFE and PROSO - Modeling Entities through Events)
License: Creative Commons: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)

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[thumbnail of Sample Datasets and Queries (Source Code)] Archive (ZIP) (Sample Datasets and Queries (Source Code))
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Two short presentations and the source code of a small demo given at the Atelier Heloïse Workshop on interoperability 2014. The workshop was called to discuss proposals in models and solutions to enable an efficient data exchange between several European projects on Historical Academic Prosopographic Databases. On behalf of the CRR-MM, I proposed some solutions based on the PROSO data model for prosopographies, extending said model into an ontology and thus exposing the data from each project as RDF triples. Aside from the general presentation on possible solutions, a SPARQL endpoint was prepared for an interactive demo. The triplestore was loaded with a sample dataset taking into account several of the peculiarities of the participating projects, and some sample queries on said data were prepared.

Document type
Conference or Workshop Item (Presentation)
Zingoni, Jacopo
prosopography, ontology, semantic web, linked data, interoperability, knowledge organization, data modeling, SPARQL, RDF, PROSO, ASFE
Deposit date
27 Mar 2014 17:16
Last modified
16 Mar 2015 15:27

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