Avio, Alberto ; Barbini, Francesco Maria ; Bertazzi, Pier Alberto ; Carnevale, Francesco ; Maggi, Bruno ; Rulli, Giovanni
Quale insegnamento dalla "epopea" dell'amianto?
A cura di: Maggi, Bruno ; Rulli, Giovanni.
TAO Digital Library,
p. 81.
ISBN 978-88-98626-04-5.
DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/4042.
In: TAO Digital Library
ISSN 2282-1023.
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What lessons can be drawn from the “epic history” of asbestos? How this emblematic case can help the reflection on prevention in the workplace? The subjects of primary prevention, risk management, laws and regulation protecting safety and health in the workplace are discussed from different points of view, such as history of medicine, epidemiology, occupational and preventive medicine, labour law, organization theory, science methodology. These collected papers are aimed at proposing prevention strategies allowing to avoid mistakes and pitfalls like the ones that characterized the history of asbestos.