Bocci, Laura
Il SoulCollage® nell’esperienza di un gruppo di scrittura autobiografica a mediazione artistica.
In: Le arti terapie e le terapie espressive. Tra regole, protocolli e creatività.
A cura di:
Ferrari, Stefano ;
Principale, Cristina.
Dipartimento delle Arti,
pp. 35-49.
ISBN 978-88-905224-4-4.
In: Quaderni di PsicoArt, (5).
A cura di:
Ferrari, Stefano.
ISSN 2421-079X.
Full text available as:
SoulCollage® in the experience of a group of autobiographical writing in artistic mediation.
SoulCollage® is a method of collage that is rooted in Jungian theories and humanistic psychology. Developed in the ‘80s, in America, by Seena Frost, Jungian psychoanalyst, it invites and guides – according to a specific methodo- logy – to the construction a “deck” of cards which, taken all together, represent the uniqueness and multiplicity of the person. Based on the principle of freedom of asso- ciation (in the choice of the images) and what Jung, in his Red Book , called “active imagination”, is easy, fun and affordable for all, lends itself to sharing in groups and can be used in different contexts, from the family, the school and group meetings, up to counseling and various forms of psychotherapy and even psychiatric rehabilitation. SoulCollage® gives participants the opportunity to be together, in a creative way, ba- sed on mutual acceptance, and reflect on themselves. The cards that are built form the collage, in permanent evolution, of each person, in particular of his or her elements of personality, of the component relating to the community of personal affects, of the physical energies, and of the most important archetypes in personal life. The rappor- teur has made experience of SoulCollage® (along with other methods of artistic media- tion) in the groups of autobiographical writing she leads and will explain how to use this method in such a context.
SoulCollage® in the experience of a group of autobiographical writing in artistic mediation.
SoulCollage® is a method of collage that is rooted in Jungian theories and humanistic psychology. Developed in the ‘80s, in America, by Seena Frost, Jungian psychoanalyst, it invites and guides – according to a specific methodo- logy – to the construction a “deck” of cards which, taken all together, represent the uniqueness and multiplicity of the person. Based on the principle of freedom of asso- ciation (in the choice of the images) and what Jung, in his Red Book , called “active imagination”, is easy, fun and affordable for all, lends itself to sharing in groups and can be used in different contexts, from the family, the school and group meetings, up to counseling and various forms of psychotherapy and even psychiatric rehabilitation. SoulCollage® gives participants the opportunity to be together, in a creative way, ba- sed on mutual acceptance, and reflect on themselves. The cards that are built form the collage, in permanent evolution, of each person, in particular of his or her elements of personality, of the component relating to the community of personal affects, of the physical energies, and of the most important archetypes in personal life. The rappor- teur has made experience of SoulCollage® (along with other methods of artistic media- tion) in the groups of autobiographical writing she leads and will explain how to use this method in such a context.
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Book Section
Deposit date
01 Apr 2015 15:28
Last modified
28 Oct 2015 14:54
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Document type
Book Section
Deposit date
01 Apr 2015 15:28
Last modified
28 Oct 2015 14:54
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