Outsider in Occidente, Insider in Oriente. Il caso Caterina Marinelli

Rosi, Daniela (2015) Outsider in Occidente, Insider in Oriente. Il caso Caterina Marinelli. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/4267. In: Inquietudini delle intelligenze. Contributi e riflessioni sull'Arte Irregolare. A cura di: Tosatti, Bianca ; Ferrari, Stefano. Bologna: Dipartimento delle Arti, pp. 211-231. ISBN 978-88-905224-5-1. In: Quaderni di PsicoArt, (6). A cura di: Ferrari, Stefano. ISSN 2421-079X.
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Caterina Marinelli, esposta in numerose occasioni in mostre di arte irregolare in diverse parti d’Italia, è stata di recente invitata in Cina a lavorare nella residenza del Mo Art Space, a Xinmi, Henan. Caterina è una scultrice straordinaria, interessata soprattutto alla realizzazione di cani in creta, in carta e in rete metallica. Nonostante sia partita con un evidente svantaggio, dovuto all’abbandono in orfanotrofio, Caterina ha sviluppato doti intellettive e capacità manuali straordinarie, tanto da divenire un Artista di talento a tutto tondo. Outsider in the West, insider in East. The case of Caterina Marinelli Catherine Marinelli, exposed in numerous Outsider Art exhibitions in different parts of Italy, was recently invited to China to work in the residence of Mo Art Space, in Xinmi, Henan. Catherine is an extraordinary sculptor, primarily concerned with the realization of clay or paper and metal mesh dogs. Despite having started with a clear disadvantage (she was abandoned in an orphanage) Catherine has developed extraordinary intellectual gifts and manual skills, becoming an all-round talent artist. Being and traveling with her I had the opportunity to enter her world both spiritually and materially. For the Chinese, it is a world where learning to live. They recognize in her work the same strenght that was recognized to the avant-garde of the early twentieth century. They don’t consider it “another art”, but one of the possible contemporary looks. At least for the time being, in China the outsider artist does not exist.

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Estratto da libro
Rosi, Daniela
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
29 Mag 2015 08:53
Ultima modifica
21 Ott 2015 09:53

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