Influence of carbon sources on thermal stability of C-doped base InP/InGaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors

Watanabe, Noriyuki ; Uchida, Masahiro ; Yokohama, Hideo ; Araki, Gako (2003) Influence of carbon sources on thermal stability of C-doped base InP/InGaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. GAAS 2003, 6-10 October 2003, Munich.
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We report effects of annealing on InP/InGaAs heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) having an InGaAs base layer C-doped using CBr 4 or CBrCl 3 as the C source. It was found that ramp thermal annealing (RTA) after growth removes H atoms, which are located in C-dopedd InGaAs base layer and deactivate C acceptors, resulting in a decrease of base sheet resistance. An RTA simultaneously can deteriorate the C-doped base layer. An evaluation of base sheet resistance and dc current gain indicates that InP/InGaAs HBTs with C-doped InGaAs grown using CBrCl 3 are more stable in terms of thermal stress than those grown using CBr 4.

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Documento relativo ad un convegno o altro evento (Atto)
Watanabe, Noriyuki
Uchida, Masahiro
Yokohama, Hideo
Araki, Gako
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
17 Giu 2004
Ultima modifica
17 Feb 2016 13:51

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