Amerighi, Oscar ;
Peralta, Susana
Exports Versus Horizontal Foreign Direct Investment with Profit Shifting.
Dipartimento di Scienze economiche DSE,
p. 26.
In: Quaderni - Working Paper DSE
ISSN 2282-6483.
Full text available as:
We study a firm which serves two unequally-sized markets and must choose where to locate its first production plant, and whether to open a second plant to serve the other market through local sales rather than exports. An exporter pays taxes only to the country where it locates its single production plant. A double-
plant multinational pays taxes in both countries, but may shift taxable profits
across countries, at a cost. We show that the usual proximity-concentration trade-
off between fixed and trade costs is modified, depending on both the average tax
of, and the tax difference between, the two countries. Moreover, in contrast to a
standard result of the FDI literature, we find that increased market size asymmetry may make it more likely that the firm engages in horizontal FDI. From a global
welfare viewpoint, it is always desirable to control the firm's profit shifting when
the multinational structure is taken as given. However, the fact that the firm may
react by changing its production structure may be a reason not to control profit
shifting activities.
We study a firm which serves two unequally-sized markets and must choose where to locate its first production plant, and whether to open a second plant to serve the other market through local sales rather than exports. An exporter pays taxes only to the country where it locates its single production plant. A double-
plant multinational pays taxes in both countries, but may shift taxable profits
across countries, at a cost. We show that the usual proximity-concentration trade-
off between fixed and trade costs is modified, depending on both the average tax
of, and the tax difference between, the two countries. Moreover, in contrast to a
standard result of the FDI literature, we find that increased market size asymmetry may make it more likely that the firm engages in horizontal FDI. From a global
welfare viewpoint, it is always desirable to control the firm's profit shifting when
the multinational structure is taken as given. However, the fact that the firm may
react by changing its production structure may be a reason not to control profit
shifting activities.
Document type
(Working Paper)
Horizontal FDI; Exports; Corporate Taxation; Profit Shifting; Location and Organization Choice
Deposit date
26 Feb 2016 08:49
Last modified
26 Feb 2016 08:49
Other metadata
Document type
(Working Paper)
Horizontal FDI; Exports; Corporate Taxation; Profit Shifting; Location and Organization Choice
Deposit date
26 Feb 2016 08:49
Last modified
26 Feb 2016 08:49
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