Dossier. The Harmonies and Conflicts of Law, Reason and Emotion. A Literary-Legal Approach: Proceedings of the Special Workshop on ‘Law and Literature’ held at 27th IVR World Conference, Washington, D.C. 27 July–1 August 2015

A cura di: Faralli, Carla ; Gaakeer, Jeanne ; Galuppo, Marcelo Campos ; Mittica, M. Paola ; de Faria Silvestre Rodrigues, Ana Carolina (2016) Dossier. The Harmonies and Conflicts of Law, Reason and Emotion. A Literary-Legal Approach: Proceedings of the Special Workshop on ‘Law and Literature’ held at 27th IVR World Conference, Washington, D.C. 27 July–1 August 2015. Bologna: Italian Society for Law and Literature (ISLL), ISBN 9788898010530. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5563. In: ISLL Papers. The Online Collection of the Italian Society for Law and Literature A cura di: Faralli, Carla ; Mittica, M. Paola. ISSN 2035-553X.
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The topic ‘Law and Emotion’ has prompted a collection of papers previously presented in the Special Workshop that the editors co-convened in 2015 in Washington, D.C., on the occasion of the XXVII World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Presented as articles in this volume,they explore (at least one of) the topics suggested above and they do so from a variety of theoretical and cultural-disciplinary backgrounds. They find a common ground in the task of reflection on the relationship between law and emotion through the privileged lens of literature. This Special Workshop has made possible a permanent relationship among the European Network for Law and Literature, here represented by Jeanne Gaakeer; the Italian Society for Law and Literature, coordinated by Carla Faralli and M. Paola Mittica; and the research group rooted in Brazil under the guidance of Marcelo Galuppo.

Document type
Monograph (Proceedings)
Deposit date
12 May 2017 09:30
Last modified
07 Jun 2017 09:58

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