Justice and organization: confronting conceptions / Giustizia e organizzazione: concezioni a confronto

Neri, Massimo (2018) Justice and organization: confronting conceptions / Giustizia e organizzazione: concezioni a confronto. Bologna: TAO Digital Library, ISBN 978-88-98626-13-7. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5964. In: TAO Digital Library ISSN 2282-1023.
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This article proposes a reflection on justice within organizations. In all social areas and especially that of the workplace, people’s experience is built around stories that refer to the notion of justice. This consideration is the basis of the present effort to analyze justice theories either used by organizational scholars or which can be utilized at an organizational level. After the presentation of the “conceptions of organization”, the article proposes an original reading of the theoretical contributions on justice, which uses the aforementioned knowledge alternatives as reference. The essay ends with a confrontation between these different visions of justice, outlining research and managerial implications.




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