Promoting European active citizenship: a participatory intervention towards the politicization of youth social concerns

Cruz, Joana P. ; Malafaia, Carla ; Piedade, Filipe ; Silva, José Eduardo ; Menezes, Isabel (2019) Promoting European active citizenship: a participatory intervention towards the politicization of youth social concerns. Psicologia di comunità, 1 . pp. 69-89.
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Despite their normative and regulatory nature, schools, as contexts for democratic education, are also places for free discussion, critical analysis and imagining personal and societal change. Under the European project CATCH-EyoU, we developed a 2-years school-based intervention with a group of Portuguese secondary school students, inspired by the approach of youth participatory action research (YPAR). Having youths as co-researchers, both conventional (questionnaires and interviews) and emergent (theatre of the oppressed, photovoice) methods were mobilised to research dating violence, a problem previously identified by them as relevant in their community. The intervention process will be described, and its potential and limitations discussed.

Document type
Cruz, Joana P.University of Porto
Malafaia, CarlaUniversity of Porto
Piedade, FilipeUniversity of Porto
Silva, José EduardoUniversity of Minho
Menezes, IsabelUniversity of Porto
youth, citizenship, participation, intervention, participatory research
Deposit date
28 Jun 2019 13:08
Last modified
01 Jun 2021 21:00
Project name
CATCH-EyoU - Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions
Funding program
EC - H2020

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