A cura di:
Noack, Peter ;
Macek, Petr
Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth. Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions. D7.2 Findings of wave 1. A cross-national report.
University of Bologna,
p. 427.
ISBN 9788854970298.
Full text available as:
This deliverable of the H2020 CATCH-EyoU project sets out to address open questions concerning factors associated with youth’s active EU citizenship. In particular, assumed (directions of) influences of relevant factors and their joint workings will be examined among adolescents and young adults in various situations of life, across different EU countries representing variations in, e.g., economic situation/crisis, political conditions, and history as an EU member state. At the core is a longitudinal assessment using a two-wave questionnaire including a large sample of young people from all countries of the consortium. The present report summarizes the results of the first wave of data collection. The aim of this technical report is to provide an overview over sample characteristics and psychometric properties of measures based on the revisions after the pilot assessment. It includes descriptive and inferential findings of each national data set. All teams collected data from a quite diverse sample of young people from their respective country. We achieved the targeted sample sizes due to our improved recruitment strategies (based on our experiences from the pilot assessment). More precisely, we could attract more than 10,400 young people to participate in our study (concrete numbers depend on sample selection). Since we initially set out to reach at least 6,400 young people, we were quite successful in our recruitment. Paper-and pencil as well as online modes of assessment proved to be equally effective.
This deliverable of the H2020 CATCH-EyoU project sets out to address open questions concerning factors associated with youth’s active EU citizenship. In particular, assumed (directions of) influences of relevant factors and their joint workings will be examined among adolescents and young adults in various situations of life, across different EU countries representing variations in, e.g., economic situation/crisis, political conditions, and history as an EU member state. At the core is a longitudinal assessment using a two-wave questionnaire including a large sample of young people from all countries of the consortium. The present report summarizes the results of the first wave of data collection. The aim of this technical report is to provide an overview over sample characteristics and psychometric properties of measures based on the revisions after the pilot assessment. It includes descriptive and inferential findings of each national data set. All teams collected data from a quite diverse sample of young people from their respective country. We achieved the targeted sample sizes due to our improved recruitment strategies (based on our experiences from the pilot assessment). More precisely, we could attract more than 10,400 young people to participate in our study (concrete numbers depend on sample selection). Since we initially set out to reach at least 6,400 young people, we were quite successful in our recruitment. Paper-and pencil as well as online modes of assessment proved to be equally effective.
Document type
(Technical Report)
Deposit date
08 Sep 2020 10:07
Last modified
08 Sep 2020 10:07
Project name
Funding program
EC - H2020
Other metadata
Document type
(Technical Report)
Deposit date
08 Sep 2020 10:07
Last modified
08 Sep 2020 10:07
Project name
Funding program
EC - H2020
Staff only: