CONSOLE Project - Deliverable 2.2 - "Draft report on experiences from outside the EU"

Targetti, Stefano ; Viaggi, Davide ; Eichorn, Theresa ; Kantelhardt, Jochen ; Schaller, Lena ; Luonnonvarakeskus, LUKE ; Association TRAME, TRAME (2020) CONSOLE Project - Deliverable 2.2 - "Draft report on experiences from outside the EU". University of Bologna, p. 77. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6515.
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The aim of task 2.3 is to collect the most promising and successful experiences outside the EU that could add new and interesting perspectives for application in EU and to feed into WP2 a wider range of opportunities for contract design. The task takes the form of a systematic literature review and this report provides a draft version of the outcomes of this review. The final version of the report will be provided in month 30. The review selected 79 documents, including both peer review papers and reports/grey literature having as a scope all countries outside those already represented by the CONSOLE partners. The main reasons for success identified for the reviewed cases are: a) reducing risks linked to results; b) reduced costs for monitoring results; c) farmers’ interest and social revenue; d) resources availability; e) additionality; f) relying on existing collectives; g) communication; payment setting; h)appropriate intermediaries. To a large extent the success factors listed above confirm insights from cases in the CONSOLE partner countries. However, they allow the consideration of a broader variety of solutions. On the other hand, this also depends on the specific institutional context where they are located, which means that potential for replication should be taken carefully. The fact that a large part of the experiences and certainly of the evidence is rather recent encourages the continuation of this task providing updates during the whole project life.

Document type
Monograph (Technical Report)
Targetti, StefanoUniversity of Bologna0000-0002-2154-546X
Viaggi, DavideUniversity of Bologna0000-0001-9503-2977
Eichorn, TheresaUniversität Für Bodenkultur Wien0000-0002-4286-3272
Kantelhardt, JochenUniversität Für Bodenkultur Wien0000-0001-8640-5815
Schaller, LenaUniversität Für Bodenkultur Wien0000-0002-8313-8798
Luonnonvarakeskus, LUKE
Association TRAME, TRAME
Deposit date
17 Nov 2020 15:27
Last modified
04 Dec 2020 16:24
Project name
CONSOLE - CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry
Funding program
EC - H2020

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