CATCH-EyoU. Processes in Youth’s Construction of Active EU Citizenship. WP9_Italy_mixedmethod evaluation

Albanesi, Cinzia ; Cicognani, Elvira ; Amnå, Erik (2021) CATCH-EyoU. Processes in Youth’s Construction of Active EU Citizenship. WP9_Italy_mixedmethod evaluation. University of Bologna. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6710. [Dataset]
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This dataset contains the underlying data of the following article that has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Adolescent Research: Albanesi, C., Prati, G., Guarino A., Cicognani, E., (in press) SCHOOL CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION THROUGH YPAR: WHAT WORKS? A MIXED METHOD STUDY IN ITALY. Journal of Adolescent Research The dataset consists of quantitative and qualitative data. Longitudinal quantitative data were collected in Italy within Work Package 9 of the Horizon 2020 research project CATCH EyoU (Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European YOUth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions). The sample consists of 56 Italian students who completed the fours waves. The dataset was used in the analysis of evaluation of the school intervention based on YPAR approach, considering school climate, quality of participation and peer norms. The four times of data collection are identified by the following letters: T1 (October 2016) = all variables with “A”; T2 (May 2017) = all variables with “KA”; T3 (October 2017) = all variables with “B”; T4 (May 2018) = all variables with “KB” The National report contains the evaluation of the overall school intervention, integrating qualitative and quantitative data. This data is made available for open access in compliance with H2020 Program regulation, following the guidelines stipulated by the Data Management Plan adopted by the CATCH-EyoU research project.

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Albanesi, CinziaDipartimento di Psicologia "Renzo Canestrari", Università di Bologna0000-0001-8240-6159
Cicognani, ElviraDipartimento di Psicologia "Renzo Canestrari", Università di Bologna0000-0002-8653-290X
Amnå, ErikUniversity of Orebro0000-0001-8311-0982
Guarino, Antonella
Dipartimento di Psicologia "Renzo Canestrari", Università di Bologna
Contact person
Mazzoni, Davide
Università degli studi di Milano Bicocca
Data collector
Prati, Gabriele
Dipartimento di Psicologia "Renzo Canestrari", Università di Bologna
Data Curator
Deposit date
21 Jun 2021 10:34
Last modified
17 Jul 2023 09:56
Project name
CATCH-EyoU - Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions
Funding program
EC - H2020

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