CONSOLE Project - Deliverable 3.2 - "Farmers and stakeholders opinions on implementation of suggested contract solutions based on survey results"

D'Alberto, Riccardo ; Raggi, Meri ; Viaggi, Davide ; Hamunen, Katri ; Tarvainen, Oili ; Haltia, Emmi (2022) CONSOLE Project - Deliverable 3.2 - "Farmers and stakeholders opinions on implementation of suggested contract solutions based on survey results". University of Bologna, p. 206. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/7067.
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The Deliverable D3.2 is organised as follows: after the introductory summary of the CONSOLE Project tasks which are related to the present document (section 1), two distinct sections present and discuss the results from the land managers survey (section 2) and the stakeholders survey (section 4). Both these sections present the data collection procedures that have been adopted, by showing and discussing the results from the whole sample of respondents as well as the relevant insights from specific groups, also presenting few insights from the country-specific case studies (sub-section 2.4). The discussion of the results related to the acceptability of the contract solutions by the land managers and forest holders is structured in sub-section 2.5. Section 3 presents the additional work done by each partner in relation to Task 3.2 objectives, beyond the common questionnaire for land managers and forest holders and its related analysis (e.g., the Choice Experiments conducted by some partners and/or the additional questions targeting the peculiarities of the national case studies). Section 5 hosts the document references. Annexes related to both the land managers survey and the stakeholders one are attached at the end of the present document.

Document type
Monograph (Technical Report)
D'Alberto, RiccardoDept. of Statistical Sciences "P. Fortunati", Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna0000-0002-7227-7485
Raggi, MeriDept. of Statistical Sciences "P. Fortunati" , Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna0000-0001-6960-1099
Viaggi, DavideDepartment of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna0000-0001-9503-2977
Hamunen, KatriNatural Resources Institute Finland, University of Eastern Finland0000-0003-2188-782X
Tarvainen, OiliNatural Resources Institute Finland, University of Eastern Finland
Haltia, EmmiNatural Resources Institute Finland, University of Eastern Finland0000-0002-9487-4387
Deposit date
03 Nov 2022 13:10
Last modified
03 Nov 2022 13:10
Project name
CONSOLE - CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry
Funding program
EC - H2020

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