Are Bio-Based Plastics The Future For Toy Applications?

Foschi, Eleonora ; Paletta, Angelo ; Mersico, Luigi ; Aureli, Selena ; Alimehmeti, Genc (2023) Are Bio-Based Plastics The Future For Toy Applications? University of Bologna, DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsacta/7221.
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This report summarises the findings of a multi-stakeholder dialogue conducted by the University of Bologna on November 11th 2022 at Ecomondo1, and presented on March22nd, 2023 at the bio!TOY20232 conference. The initiative is part of BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE project and aims to investigate the potential of bio-based plastics to increase the sustainability of the toy industry. In the form of focus group, the discussion was joined by experts and stakeholders from public and private organisations representing the whole toy value chain. With the use of system thinking and multi-dimensional analysis, the findings reveal that bio-based plastics have high potential to contribute to the sustainability of the toy industry if: 1. Eco-design for recycling criteria are defined 2. Strict methodology to assess environmental benefits is established 3. Robust communication about product sustainability is introduced 4. Clear information about the bio-based content is provided 5. Rigorous assessment of recyclability and biodegradability properties in range environments is performed. It follows that bio-based plastics are not conceived as a stand-alone solution but as one alternative in a more comprehensive sustainability roadmap. These elements reveal the necessity for a systemic joint policy intervention in the sector oriented to build up new business ecosystems, going beyond the boundaries of a single business to embrace collective actions.

Document type
Monograph (Technical Report)
Foschi, EleonoraUniversity of Bologna - Department of Management0000-0001-5892-5485
Paletta, AngeloUniversity of Bologna - Department of Management0000-0003-4357-2714
Mersico, LuigiUniversity of Bologna - Department of Management0000-0001-5488-1913
Aureli, SelenaUniversity of Bologna - Department of Management0000-0002-2169-1694
Alimehmeti, GencUniversity of Bologna - Department of Management0000-0002-1167-7020
Bio-based; biodegradable; plastics; Toy industry; health; sustainabilty; circular economy
Deposit date
29 Mar 2023 10:27
Last modified
29 Mar 2023 10:27
Project name
BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE - Developing and Implementing Sustainability-Based Solutions for Bio-Based Plastic Production and Use to Preserve Land and Sea Environmental Quality in Europe
Funding program
EC - H2020

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