Hopelessness and Burnout in Italian healthcare workers during Pandemic: the mediating role of emotional intelligence

Piombo, Marco Andrea ; Andrei, Federica ; Riolo, Martina ; Spicuzza, Vittoria ; Neri, Erica ; Mancini, Giacomo ; Agostini, Francesca ; La Grutta, Sabina ; Trombini, Elena ; Epifanio, Maria Stella (2022) Hopelessness and Burnout in Italian healthcare workers during Pandemic: the mediating role of emotional intelligence. In: VIII International Congress on Emotional Intelligence, 30/08/2022- 02/09/2022, Palermo, Italy.
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Objective: The study aims to assess the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare workers’ work-related stress during the first wave of the pandemic in Italy. The main objective is to investigate the existence of a positive correlation between hopelessness and burnout, assuming that burnout may be a risk factor for the development of hopelessness, and to analyze the role that trait Emotional Intelligence (TEI) and changes in workload could have in this relationship. Furthermore, evaluate any significant differences in burnout and hopelessness levels in the function of some demographic variables, such as gender, professional profiles, and different working zones of Italy, to better understand how the diverse diffusion of pandemic had affected Italian healthcare workers. Methods: An online survey was used to collect data between April and June, 2020, with 562 responses among nurses (52.1%) and physicians (47.9%). Demographics and changes in workload and work conditions were collected through an ad hoc questionnaire. The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire- Short Form (TEIQue-SF), The Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS), and the Link Burnout Questionnaire (LBQ) were used to assess Trait Emotional Intelligence (TEI), hopelessness, and burnout, respectively. Results: Correlation analysis showed a significant positive relationship between hopelessness and each burnout dimension. TEI showed negative correlations both with burnout dimensions and hopelessness. Significant differences in burnout and hopelessness levels emerged as a function of some demographic variables such as gender, professional profiles (nurses or physicians), and different working zone of Italy (northern or southern). Results showed that TEI partially mediated the relationship between hopelessness and every burnout dimension, while the interaction of changes in workload was non-significant. Discussion: The mediating role of TEI in the burnout-hopelessness relationship partly explains the protective role that individual factors had on healthcare workers’ mental health. Our findings support the need to integrate considerations on both psychological risk and protective factors into COVID-19 care, including the monitoring of psychological symptoms and social needs, especially among healthcare workers.

Document type
Conference or Workshop Item (Presentation)
Piombo, Marco AndreaDepartment of Psychology “Renzo Canestrari”, Alma Mater Studiorum. University of Bologna0000-0001-7373-1427
Andrei, FedericaDepartment of Psychology “Renzo Canestrari”, Alma Mater Studiorum. University of Bologna0000-0001-6277-3875
Riolo, MartinaDepartment of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement. University of Palermo.
Spicuzza, VittoriaDepartment of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement. University of Palermo.
Neri, EricaDepartment of Psychology “Renzo Canestrari”, Alma Mater Studiorum. University of Bologna
Mancini, GiacomoDepartment of Education Studies “Giovanni Maria Bertin”, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna0000-0001-5015-5578
Agostini, FrancescaDepartment of Psychology “Renzo Canestrari”, Alma Mater Studiorum. University of Bologna
La Grutta, SabinaDepartment of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement. University of Palermo.
Trombini, ElenaDepartment of Psychology “Renzo Canestrari”, Alma Mater Studiorum. University of Bologna0000-0003-3466-0974
Epifanio, Maria StellaDepartment of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement. University of Palermo.
COVID-19, pandemic, healthcare workers, burnout, hopelessness, trait emotional intelligence, TEIQue-SF
Deposit date
12 Jul 2023 09:22
Last modified
12 Jul 2023 09:22

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