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Text(rtf) (DIANA_Anti-Candida-activity-of-biosurfactant-from-L-gasseri-BC12_README.rtf)
Repository staff only until 30 April 2025. License: Creative Commons: Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) Download (41kB) | Request a copy |
This dataset contains data collected in the project DIANA - Postbiotici per la salute della Donna e delle nuove generazionI: una strategiA “bio” e “greeN” in linea con le priorità di innovAzione e sviluppo sostenibile [Postbiotics for women's health and new generations: a “bio” and "green" strategy in line with the priorities of innovation and sustainable development], funded by the Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna – Settore Ricerca Scientifica Bando 2021. Some technological features, i.e. critical micellar concentration and emulsification index, of a biosurfactant (BS) recovered from Lactobacillus gasseri BC12 were evaluated. After that, two different type of antimicrobial activities of BS-BC12 were investigated toward Candida spp. The anti-biofilm activity of BS solubilized in water toward C. abicans and non albicans species was evaluated by considering two mechanisms of action: inhibition of biofilm formation and eradication of pre-formed biofilm. The impact of BS on the proliferation of HeLa cells was studied by MTT assay. The anti-adhesive activity of BS toward Candida spp. was determined on the same cells by competition and exclusion assays.