Daniele, Elisa Antonietta
ANIMATE. WP3. Two Workshops on Art History and Blue Humanities, text. 1.0.
University of Bologna.
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The dataset contains the bibliography and notes of the two workshops organized at UCLA during the outgoing phase of the Horizon 2020 “ANIMATE” project. The first workshop was entitled “Swimming, Diving, Immersion: some methodological questions for art history” and it was organized as part of the 30th École de Printemps in Art History on June 13, 2022. The second workshop was held within the “Making Green Worlds” Seminar for Graduate Students, Dept. Art History, on November 27, 2023. Both workshops brought an environmental humanities approach to the study of early modern art history and multimediality to the fore. For the first workshop, a series of readings were pre-circulated and discussed. For the second workshop, a series of readings were pre-circulated and discussed along with GIF animations on ppt. These latter aimed to explore how perceptions and ideas about ecosystems were construed and reconfigured through their material reproduction on stage. The animations are not published as their sources are protected by copyright, instead detailed bibliographic information about the sources used to realize them are contained in this dataset in tabular format.
The dataset contains the bibliography and notes of the two workshops organized at UCLA during the outgoing phase of the Horizon 2020 “ANIMATE” project. The first workshop was entitled “Swimming, Diving, Immersion: some methodological questions for art history” and it was organized as part of the 30th École de Printemps in Art History on June 13, 2022. The second workshop was held within the “Making Green Worlds” Seminar for Graduate Students, Dept. Art History, on November 27, 2023. Both workshops brought an environmental humanities approach to the study of early modern art history and multimediality to the fore. For the first workshop, a series of readings were pre-circulated and discussed. For the second workshop, a series of readings were pre-circulated and discussed along with GIF animations on ppt. These latter aimed to explore how perceptions and ideas about ecosystems were construed and reconfigured through their material reproduction on stage. The animations are not published as their sources are protected by copyright, instead detailed bibliographic information about the sources used to realize them are contained in this dataset in tabular format.
Document type
art history; blue humanities; early modern; baroque theatre; stagecraft; ecology; environmental humanities; ballets; courtly performances; ecocriticism; decoloniality
Deposit date
01 Oct 2024 12:51
Last modified
01 Oct 2024 12:51
Project name
Funding program
EC - H2020
Other metadata
Document type
art history; blue humanities; early modern; baroque theatre; stagecraft; ecology; environmental humanities; ballets; courtly performances; ecocriticism; decoloniality
Deposit date
01 Oct 2024 12:51
Last modified
01 Oct 2024 12:51
Project name
Funding program
EC - H2020
Staff only: