Submicron lateral scaling of HBTs and other vertical-transport devices:towards THz bandwidths

Rodwell, Mark ; Betser, Y. ; Jaganathan, S. ; Mathew, T. ; Sundararajan, PK ; Martin, S.C. ; Smith, R.P. ; Wei, Y. ; Urteaga, M. ; Scott, D. ; Long, S. (2000) Submicron lateral scaling of HBTs and other vertical-transport devices:towards THz bandwidths. In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. GAAS 2000, 2-6 october 2000, Paris.
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With appropriate device structures, bined lithographi and epitaxial scaling of HBTs,RTDs and S hottky diodes results in rapid in reases in device bandwidths.0.1 ¹m InGaAs RTDs have os illated at 650 GHz,Submi ron heterojunction bipolar sistors (HBTs)fabri ated with substrate transfer pro-esses have obtained 21 dB unilateral power gain at 100 GHz;if extrapolated at -20 dB/decade,this corresponds to a 1.1 THz power-gain uto ®frequency.HBT current-gain uto ®frequencies as high as 300 GHz have been obtained.

Tipologia del documento
Documento relativo ad un convegno o altro evento (Atto)
Rodwell, Mark
Betser, Y.
Jaganathan, S.
Mathew, T.
Sundararajan, PK
Martin, S.C.
Smith, R.P.
Wei, Y.
Urteaga, M.
Scott, D.
Long, S.
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
17 Giu 2004
Ultima modifica
17 Feb 2016 13:42

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