Advanced Phase noise modeling techniques of
nonlinear microwave devices.
In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. GAAS 2004, 11-12 ottobre 2004, Amsterdam.
Full text disponibile come:
In this paper we present a coherent set of
tools allowing an accurate and predictive design of low
phase noise oscillators. Advanced phase noise modelling
techniques in non linear microwave devices must be
supported by a proven combination of the following :
- Electrical modeling of low-frequency noise of
semiconductor devices, oriented to circuit CAD . The
local noise sources will be either cyclostationary noise
sources or quasistationary noise sources.
- Theoretically-based design rules are needed in order
to define the most appropriate circuit architecture in
function of the main characteristics to be optimized.
For phase noise evaluation in feedback oscillators, the
modified Leeson formula is a useful tool.
Finally, results obtained with a 2 GHz HBT push-push VCO
based on this methodology are presented.
In this paper we present a coherent set of
tools allowing an accurate and predictive design of low
phase noise oscillators. Advanced phase noise modelling
techniques in non linear microwave devices must be
supported by a proven combination of the following :
- Electrical modeling of low-frequency noise of
semiconductor devices, oriented to circuit CAD . The
local noise sources will be either cyclostationary noise
sources or quasistationary noise sources.
- Theoretically-based design rules are needed in order
to define the most appropriate circuit architecture in
function of the main characteristics to be optimized.
For phase noise evaluation in feedback oscillators, the
modified Leeson formula is a useful tool.
Finally, results obtained with a 2 GHz HBT push-push VCO
based on this methodology are presented.
Tipologia del documento
Documento relativo ad un convegno o altro evento
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
16 Giu 2005
Ultima modifica
17 Feb 2016 14:15
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Documento relativo ad un convegno o altro evento
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
16 Giu 2005
Ultima modifica
17 Feb 2016 14:15
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