Palmour, J.W. ; Milligan, J.W. ; Henning, J. ; Allen, S.T. ; Ward, A. ; Parikh, P. ; Smith, R.P. ; Saxler, A. ; Moore, M. ; Wu, Y.
SiC and GaN Based Transistor and Circuit Advances.
In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. GAAS 2004, 11—12 Ottobre, Amsterdam.
Full text disponibile come:
Significant progress has been made in the
development of SiC MESFETs and MMIC power
amplifiers manufactured on 3-inch high purity semiinsulating
(HPSI) 4H-SiC substrates. Wide bandwidth
circuits using both 10 Watt and 60 watt MESFETs are
presented. These MESFETs show no degradation after
RFHTOL at a baseplate of 90°C for 4000 hours. High
power SiC MMIC amplifiers are shown with excellent yield
and repeatability using a released foundry process. GaN
HEMTs on HPSI SiC are reported with >30 W/mm RF
output power density, and 10 GHz PAE of 72% is also
demonstrated for lower voltage devices. Finally, a GaN
HEMT operating life of over 500 hours at a TJ =160°C is
also reported.
Significant progress has been made in the
development of SiC MESFETs and MMIC power
amplifiers manufactured on 3-inch high purity semiinsulating
(HPSI) 4H-SiC substrates. Wide bandwidth
circuits using both 10 Watt and 60 watt MESFETs are
presented. These MESFETs show no degradation after
RFHTOL at a baseplate of 90°C for 4000 hours. High
power SiC MMIC amplifiers are shown with excellent yield
and repeatability using a released foundry process. GaN
HEMTs on HPSI SiC are reported with >30 W/mm RF
output power density, and 10 GHz PAE of 72% is also
demonstrated for lower voltage devices. Finally, a GaN
HEMT operating life of over 500 hours at a TJ =160°C is
also reported.
Tipologia del documento
Documento relativo ad un convegno o altro evento
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
16 Giu 2005
Ultima modifica
17 Feb 2016 14:16
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
Documento relativo ad un convegno o altro evento
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
16 Giu 2005
Ultima modifica
17 Feb 2016 14:16
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