Paillard, M. ; Bodereau, F. ; Drevon, C. ; Monfraix, P. ; Cazaux, Jean-Louis ; Bodin, L. ; Guyon, P.
Multilayer RF PCB for space applications : technological and interconnections trade-off.
In: Gallium Arsenide applications symposium. GAAS 2005, 3-7 ottobre 2005, Parigi.
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Multilayer RF Printed Circuits Boards withembedded passives are complex structures to manufactureand to package while keeping good RF performances. In thispaper, technological solutions aimed at simplifying theseissuesare proposed : the use of thermoset materials insteadofthermoplasticlaminates and an original interconnection technique based on "RF openings" machined in the edges of the boards.Two breadboards based on these solutions have been developed and demonstrate very good RF performances between 5 and 15 GHz.
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