Camiade, M. ; Brandeau, J.P. ; Domnesque, D.
Mm-wave front-end developed within the on-going AWARE/LOCOMOTIVE projects for automotive applications at 77GHz.
In: Gallium Arsenide Applications Symposium. GAAS 1999, 4-5 October 1999, Bologna, Italy.
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This paper describes the development of a millimetre-wave front-end for a 76.5GHz Collision Warning Avoidance (CW/A) car radar. This CW/A sensor is based on a FMCW concept. The main development steps are described and have led to the definition of a fully MMIC-based front-end. Based on a demonstrator done in AWARE a new chip-set has been defined, fabricated and characterised within LOCOMOTIVE. Using a total chip-set area of 13.7 mm2, the first obtained results show a high level of performance.