A two-dimensional electrothermal model for GaAs MESFETs

Pesare, M. ; Giorgio, A. ; Passaro, V. M. N. ; Perri, A. G. (1999) A two-dimensional electrothermal model for GaAs MESFETs. In: Gallium Arsenide Applications Symposium. GAAS 1999, 4-5 October 1999, Bologna, Italy.
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A new physical-based electrothermal model for GaAs MESFET is presented. The 2-D electrical model based on the accurate velocity-electric field Chang-Fetterman expression is coupled to a thermal simulator which is able to take into account the thermal dependence of GaAs thermal conductivity and the multilayer structure of a typical chip. The simulator has been compared with the results of a 3-D FDM simulator and measurements. The accuracy is to be considered satisfactory and the CAD tool can easily perform the simulation on a common PC.

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Documento relativo ad un convegno o altro evento (Atto)
Pesare, M.
Giorgio, A.
Passaro, V. M. N.
Perri, A. G.
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
16 Gen 2006
Ultima modifica
17 Feb 2016 14:26

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