Cellini, Roberto ;
Lambertini, Luca
Time consistent fiscal policies in a
Ramsey economy.
p. 28.
Full text disponibile come:
This paper revisits a well-known case of optimal fiscal policy in a Ramsey
model where consumer utility is defined over consumption and public goods.
We show that normalising the size of the population to one eliminates the
scope for active policy-making since the decentralised equilibrium coincides
with social planning. Then, we modify the model to allow for a population
of N > 1 agents, whereby restoring the role of the government as a policymaker.
Both in the Stackelberg case and in the decentralised game, we prove
that optimal fiscal policy and consumption are not only time consistent but
also subgame perfect.
This paper revisits a well-known case of optimal fiscal policy in a Ramsey
model where consumer utility is defined over consumption and public goods.
We show that normalising the size of the population to one eliminates the
scope for active policy-making since the decentralised equilibrium coincides
with social planning. Then, we modify the model to allow for a population
of N > 1 agents, whereby restoring the role of the government as a policymaker.
Both in the Stackelberg case and in the decentralised game, we prove
that optimal fiscal policy and consumption are not only time consistent but
also subgame perfect.
Tipologia del documento
(Working paper)
Parole chiave
differential games, optimal control, fiscal policy
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
15 Feb 2006
Ultima modifica
17 Feb 2016 14:33
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
(Working paper)
Parole chiave
differential games, optimal control, fiscal policy
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
15 Feb 2006
Ultima modifica
17 Feb 2016 14:33
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