Lambertini, Luca ;
Mantovani, Andrea
Process and product innovation by a multiproduct
monopolist: a dynamic approach.
p. 18.
Full text disponibile come:
We model the optimal behaviour of a multiproduct monopolist investing both
in process and in product innovation in a dynamic setting. Product innovation reduces
the degree of substitutability between any two varieties. First, we find that
R&D efforts increase in both directions as the number of varieties grows. Second,
we characterise the relative intensity of R&D activities according to the reservation
price and the interaction between the number of varieties and the degree of product
differentiation. Finally, we show the existence of complementarity within the
R&D portfolio, i.e., decreasing marginal production cost prompts for an analogous
reduction of product substitutability, and conversely.
We model the optimal behaviour of a multiproduct monopolist investing both
in process and in product innovation in a dynamic setting. Product innovation reduces
the degree of substitutability between any two varieties. First, we find that
R&D efforts increase in both directions as the number of varieties grows. Second,
we characterise the relative intensity of R&D activities according to the reservation
price and the interaction between the number of varieties and the degree of product
differentiation. Finally, we show the existence of complementarity within the
R&D portfolio, i.e., decreasing marginal production cost prompts for an analogous
reduction of product substitutability, and conversely.
Tipologia del documento
(Working paper)
Parole chiave
product innovation, process innovation, complementarity
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
16 Feb 2006
Ultima modifica
17 Feb 2016 14:41
Altri metadati
Tipologia del documento
(Working paper)
Parole chiave
product innovation, process innovation, complementarity
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
16 Feb 2006
Ultima modifica
17 Feb 2016 14:41
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