Impact of multi-carrier RF signals on the reliability of power GaAs-FETs for space applications

Bosch, Wolfgang ; Garat, Francois (1994) Impact of multi-carrier RF signals on the reliability of power GaAs-FETs for space applications. In: Gallium Arsenide Applications Symposium. GAAS 1994, 28-30 April 1994, Turin, Italy.
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For space applications an accurate estimate of the GaAs-FET lifetime is fundamental as it has a significant impact on the overall system design. The gate current is one of the most sensitive parameters regarding degradation modes, hence its behaviour under RF operation is a valid measure for lifetime. Different degradation and failure modes are analyzed and presented. The stress on the device under multicarrier operation when CW reliability data are available is simulated by means of a simplified amplifier model and the statistical properties of the applied RF signals.

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Documento relativo ad un convegno o altro evento (Atto)
Bosch, Wolfgang
Garat, Francois
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
17 Feb 2006
Ultima modifica
17 Feb 2016 14:42

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