Self-evaluation test for student guidance: the case of the University of Bologna

Matteucci, Mariagiulia ; Mignani, Stefania ; Ricci, Roberto (2008) Self-evaluation test for student guidance: the case of the University of Bologna. [Preprint]
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In this work, the theme of student guidance in the university context is outlined. In order to introduce the competence evaluation for student guidance, a new guidance project based on self-evaluation tests of the University of Bologna (Italy) is presented. In the paper, the issues of item specification and test calibration are explored, with reference to item response theory models. Models are for multiple-choice and binary items and they assume that a single ability is responsible for the student performance in the test. The test calibration is conducted for the Statistics Faculty and the results are discussed, together with the future developments of the project.

Tipologia del documento
Matteucci, Mariagiulia
Mignani, Stefania
Ricci, Roberto
Parole chiave
competence evaluation, item response theory, student guidance, test calibration
Settori scientifico-disciplinari
Data di deposito
14 Mar 2008
Ultima modifica
01 Ott 2013 09:58

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