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The aim of this paper is to present the University of Bologna’s E-Learning Centre strategy for quality e-learning courses production and delivery, with special regards to lifelong learning. The starting point was very complex since the University lacked a harmonised student approach, teaching styles, and so forth. The experimental phases of e-learning implied also the use of a number of different platforms. Since 2006 the Rector and the Academic Senate introduced a step by step strategy in order to harmonise projects, introduce quality technological and teaching guidelines, and improve lifelong learning offer. An E-Learning Centre was established and new regulations were approved for master degree courses, with reference to the e-learning utilization. Since 2007 the University of Bologna Strategic Plan has focussed on e-learning in the European context and strategic issues. Main issues include: a) delivery of blended learning courses in compliance with the University of Bologna information systems (authentication system, Academic Courses databases and so forth) b) keeping up with technological change such as LMSs and learners’ technical access to the e-content c) developing partnerships and e-learning based joint international master degrees for lifelong learning with other European Universities and Institutions. The paper highlights some critical aspects and the first results of the E-Learning Centre activities.
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