Bellingeri, Paolo ; Cattabriga, Alessia
Hilden braid groups.
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Let H_g be a genus g handlebody and MCG_{2n}(T_g) be the group of the
isotopy classes of orientation preserving homeomorphisms of \partial T_g = H_g,
fixing a given set of 2n points. In this paper we study two particular subgroups
of MCG_{2n}(T_g) which generalize Hilden groups defined by Hilden
in [16]. As well as Hilden groups are related to plat closures of braids,
these generalizations are related to Heegaard splittings of manifolds and
to bridge decompositions of links. Connections between these subgroups
and motion groups of links in closed 3-manifolds are also provided.
Let H_g be a genus g handlebody and MCG_{2n}(T_g) be the group of the
isotopy classes of orientation preserving homeomorphisms of \partial T_g = H_g,
fixing a given set of 2n points. In this paper we study two particular subgroups
of MCG_{2n}(T_g) which generalize Hilden groups defined by Hilden
in [16]. As well as Hilden groups are related to plat closures of braids,
these generalizations are related to Heegaard splittings of manifolds and
to bridge decompositions of links. Connections between these subgroups
and motion groups of links in closed 3-manifolds are also provided.
Document type
mapping class groups, handlebodies, motion groups, plat closure
Deposit date
20 Oct 2009 07:28
Last modified
16 May 2011 12:11
Other metadata
Document type
mapping class groups, handlebodies, motion groups, plat closure
Deposit date
20 Oct 2009 07:28
Last modified
16 May 2011 12:11
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